Whitney is the author of RICKY & OTHER LOVE STORIES (Sarabande Books, 2024), which was longlisted for The Story Prize and BIG BAD (Sarabande Books, 2021), which won the 2019 Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction, the 2021 Bronze Medal INDIES Award for Short Stories, and the 2022 Gold Medal IPPY Award for Short Story/Fiction.

Whitney’s story “Lush” was named a Distinguished Story by The Best American Short Stories 2022. She also won a 2020 Pushcart Prize for “The Entertainer,” a 2020 Pushcart Special Mention for “The Pupil,” the 2020 American Short(er) Fiction Prize for “Ricky,” and the 2021 ProForma Contest for “Cray.”

Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in American Short Fiction, AGNI, The Idaho Review, Gulf Coast, The Pinch, The Los Angeles Review, swamp pink, and Book of the Month Club’s literary magazine Volume 0, among others.

Previously, Whitney was a contributing editor for The Weeklings, a book reviewer for Barnes & Noble, a reader for The Big Jewel, The Louisville Review, and Carolina Quarterly, and an editorial assistant for The Sun Magazine. Her nonfiction has appeared on various sites, including: Salon and McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. She earned her MFA from Spalding University.